I DO not think it matters what government we vote in to rule the country at the next election. There is not the money or expertise to carry out the utopian ideas spouted forth at the political conferences.

We read every day of yet another horrific crime, involving citizens from the very young to the hardened criminal. Apart from the ‘do-gooders’, every normal, intelligent citizen would agree that some form of death sentence should be brought back, mainly as a deterrent.

There have been very few mistakes in sentences, and with all the new technology, the chances are even slimmer now of getting it wrong.

The NHS has grown into an uncontrollable monster, money poured into a bottomless pit with not much improvement to justify it.

Greed seems to be the root of a lot of our problems, the divide between rich and poor ever widening. The injustices in this country are becoming ludicrous.

It is also time the women in this country are content to be women, and stop trying to be men doing men’s jobs.

A lot of this behaviour stems from lack of discipline at home and at school. The young are influenced by the so-called celebrities, whose life styles leave a great deal to be desired. Greedy, spoiled, irresponsible, promiscuous and many of them without any apparent talent. Perfect examples of how not to live.

As far as human behaviour is concerned, it all begins with the family.

Improvement in governments will take years, but voters can play a big part. As an old age pensioner, I am well aware that I am not considered important when cuts are planned.

Pensions are the first thing to be cut. I do not suppose I shall live to see pensions linked to earnings.

I will have to scrimp and save to the end, while watching the work shy using their benefits for drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. No wonder we are grumpy old men and women.