I SUPPORT David Parkes' (Page 15, October 3) who complained that local theatre groups are losing money and audiences because of Vale Royal's narrow attitude to advertising.

It's all very well for the council to forbid fly posting. But to remove nicely designed banners is a different matter.

Surely there is a fine judgement to be made between ugly fly posting and well designed posters and banners displayed by established theatre groups?

There seems to be no meeting of minds on this issue. As David Parkes says, the local borough's attitude appears too restrictive.

A lot of good stems from drama and operatic organisations. Youngsters can gain a lot of confidence by taking part. Sometimes they discover a natural skill and they go on to make a career in the performance arts.

It is important that the community supports local productions. But it's equally important to advertise widely otherwise audiences will be sparse.

Rather than a total ban, can't Vale Royal provide town centre sites exclusively for promoting local theatre shows?