PIERCE Freeman was among the prize winners in the Cheshire Boys Golf Championship.

Delamere Forest Golf Club has hosted the event for more than 30 years and Freeman proved there is no place like home when he recorded the best net score of 135 over 36 holes on his club’s magnificent course.

He was not the outright winner, though.

That honour went to Ringway’s Cole Self, who was tied second after round one on 70 – two behind Eaton’s Todd McKie.

Cole stepped up the pace in round two with another fine two-under-par return of 70 for a 140 total, putting him well clear of McKie 144, Laurent Beech (Eaton) 145, Ben Buchanan (Dunham Forest) and Aaron Mohun (Delamere Forest) both 147.

The other prize winners were Jeremy Ju (Hazel Grove) for best morning net score of 67 and Nathan Hopley (Bramall Park) with a best second-round gross of 69.