This Saturday will be three years since Northwich Railway Station ticket office collapsed, yet it’s still not reopened and still nobody has been held to account.

What we do know is vegetation in the brickwork was the likely cause of the incident which happened on the morning of Tuesday, May 18, 2021.

It’s a miracle there were no fatalities or injuries when debris crashed onto the platform but to say no one was harmed would be inaccurate.

The male ticket office employee and three passengers escaped with their lives.

A female traveller from Davenham told my staff it was like “a bomb had gone off”. She was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

One quick-thinking male passenger helped flag down an oncoming train after surviving the collapse. He has been left feeling nervous when at railway stations and now chooses to sit away from anything that could fall.

Shockingly, he has never been interviewed by investigators or even been contacted by the rail authorities.

Passenger safety must always be the top priority, and this should never have happened. Vegetation growing in the structure ought to have been picked up at inspection.

That’s why everyone affected by this incident deserves answers, with lessons learned and the relevant organisation held responsible.

But the investigation has not concluded some three years on.

Northwich Guardian: Northwich Railway Station after the collapse in May 2021Northwich Railway Station after the collapse in May 2021 (Image: Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service)

Furthermore, the station ticket office has still not reopened. Last summer I, members of the public, Disability Positive, trade unionists and local councillors, including Andrew Cooper, held a demo outside Northwich Station as part of a national campaign that saved 1,000 tickets offices from closure, including ours.

But even though it has been rebuilt, Northwich Station remains closed for business. I understand the original plan was for Northern Trains to complete the fit-out. Now this will be done by Network Rail who are in discussions with their contractors. All I know is, I’ve never felt there was a sense of urgency to get the job completed.

Adding insult to injury are the plants still growing on the station building.

My message to the investigators – get on with your inquiry! My message to Network Rail  – get the station reopened and free from vegetation!

Finally, the campaign continues to improve access to the far platform for disabled people and the elderly. The result of a funding bid is awaited. Fingers crossed.

Northwich Guardian: Mike Amesbury at Northwich station following the collapseMike Amesbury at Northwich station following the collapse (Image: Supplied)