RESIDENTS across South Cheshire are taking to the streets for a week of action to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour - with a focus on Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Thousands of people up and down the country are joining forces with crime-fighting professionals and local councils for a week of community action.

The Local Area Partnerships across Cheshire East are working with the Safer Cheshire East Partnership on events between October 30 and November 8 as part of 'Not in My Neighbourhood Week'.

The project aims to promote what is being done locally to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and encourages the police, fire, council and other groups to work together to keep the streets safe.

South Cheshire councillor Brian Silvester said: “With a co-ordinated approach we can truly tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. "Not in My Neighbourhood Week is a great way to achieve our aims.

"Working in partnership we are seeing improvements every day in making Cheshire East a safer, cleaner place to live. "We are all working to create safer and cleaner neighbourhoods that people can take pride in. "Anti-social behaviour is a scourge of our modern society and all the partners are working together to tackle it.

"This campaign is an outward and visible sign to residents that action is being taken on their concerns about anti-social behaviour. “ Councillor David Brown added: “Local Area Partnerships have only recently been established across Cheshire East and are already working on a number of initiatives to make our communities safer and cleaner. "Not in My Neighbourhood Week is another way how voluntary, community groups and statutory bodies working together can make a big difference."