THE family of Simon Daniels, the Winsford paddleboarder who died at Dovestone Reservoir, have paid a moving tribute to him.

On Wednesday, October 23, Greater Manchester Police sadly recovered Simon’s body from Dovestone Reservoir, following a major four-day search operation.  

Simon entered the water after falling from an inflatable paddleboard at around 2.30pm on Sunday, October 20.

A woman who was with Simon was rescued and taken to hospital where she was treated for shock and hypothermia.

However, rescuers failed to locate Simon, and it wasn’t until 6.15pm the following Wednesday that his body was recovered by a specialist police underwater search team.

Simon’s loved ones have now released a statement paying tribute to him, describing his incredible ‘power to bring everyone together’.

A spokesman for the family said: “Simon is our world. He’s funny, unpredictable, and has a heart as big as an ocean. 

“Larger than life, his crazy personality lit up every room and his love, kindness, and inspiration touched so many people who he met.

“Simon was a friend to everyone; nobody was a stranger in his eyes.

“His passions were fitness and the gym and helping others to become the best version of themselves.

“His heart was pure, and he was unapologetically himself. Funny doesn’t cut it. He was hilarious. He had this power to bring everyone together. He just wanted everyone to be friends.

“He loved life and even at the darkest of times he still managed to light up the room.

“The community have also shown how much they loved Simon, church bells rang in his memory, along with fireworks.

“We had no idea how popular and inspirational he was in our local community.”

Simon’s friends have set up a GoFundMe page to help lighten the family’s burden at this sad time.

 So far, it has raised more than £12,000.

An organiser, posting on the fundraising page, said: “As his friends, we are living a nightmare. 

"But for his family, we cannot even begin to imagine how they are processing and dealing with the tragic event of losing the most loved man we have ever known.”