A JEALOUS man from Weaverham made a hoax 999 call about his ex-girlfriend and told her he was 'coming for f*****g blood'. 

Caleb Groves, of Rowan Road, repeatedly called and texted his victim and sent threatening Facebook messages to her and her new boyfriend in the month following the end of his relationship with her in May.

The 27-year-old, a convicted drug dealer, also told her new partner his ‘nan’s gaff was getting blown up’.

On June 6, he made an anonymous hoax 999 call to police claiming she had left her young daughter in the house alone, and the house smelled of cannabis.

Police went to her home, but his claim turned out to be completely false, and the call was later traced to a mobile he was using.

Then on June 19, while he was a passenger in his friend’s car, he saw her driving her car and told his friend to follow her.

When she realised she was being tailed, he made what he later described as ‘stupid gestures’ to her, which left her feeling threatened and alarmed.

Groves was arrested and later charged with one count of harassment with intent to cause distress or alarm, and one of sending menacing messages by a public communication network.

He denied the charges in court and a trial date was set for Thursday, October 17, before Warrington magistrates.

On the day of trial, he pleaded guilty to the harassment charge after the second charge was dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

The CPS accepted the plea not because they believed he hadn't sent the messages, but because he would be punished for them under the harassment charge he was willing to admit. 

He was bailed to return for sentencing on Monday, November 18.

Magistrates ordered him to continue wearing a GPS tag to ensure he doesn’t enter Cuddington, but removed the 7am to 7pm curfew which was part of his previous bail conditions. 

He was also ordered not to contact his victim by any means, as doing so would likely increase the sentence he gets on November 18.

Groves was convicted of drugs offences in September 2022, having pleaded guilty to growing cannabis and possession with intent to supply.

He was fined £215 and ordered to compete 60 hours unpaid work in October 2022 for these offences.