EACH week Cheshire West and Chester Council receives and makes decisions on planning applications across the borough.

Here we have rounded up the latest validated and determined applications in and around Northwich and Winsford.


Description: Conversion of upper floor at 19b Witton Street to apartment. 

Address: 19b Witton Street, Northwich, CW9 5DE.

Reference: 24/02871/PMA. Received: September 24, 2024. Status: Awaiting decision.

Description: Rear extension.

Address: Forster Avenue, Weaverham, Northwich, CW8 3BH.

Reference: 24/02868/FUL. Received: September 24, 2024. Status: Awaiting decision.

Description: Single-storey rear extension.

Address: Chester Road, Winsford, CW7 2NG.

Reference: 24/02816/FUL. Received: September 19, 2024. Status: Awaiting decision.

Description: Replacement single-storey side extension, and single-storey infill front extension. Alterations to windows, installation of a pitched roof over garage and front porch, and render to side extension and partial front elevation. 

Address: Abbey Lane, Hartford, Northwich, CW8 1LX.

Reference: 24/02809/FUL. Received: September 18, 2024. Status: Awaiting decision.


Description: Listed building consent for internal reconfiguration and repairs/upgrades to existing roof (Ref 24/3360M).

Address: Lower Peover CofE Primary School, The Cobbles, Lower Peover, Cheshire, WA16 9PZ.

Reference: 24/02939/AAC. Received: September 30, 2024. Status: Unknown.

Description: Creation of an electric vehicle (EV) charging zone and associated infrastructure within the Morrisons customer car park as well as a single-storey extension to the existing petrol filling station sales building and associated works.

Address: Winsford Service Station, Wharton Park Road, Winsford, CW7 3BS.

Reference: 24/02323/FUL. Received: August 6, 2024. Status: Approved.

Description: Single-storey garden shed.

Address: High Street, Weaverham, Northwich, CW8 3HA.

Reference: 24/02130/FUL. Received: July 22, 2024. Status: Approved.

Description: Proposed ancillary use of residential dwelling and garden for dog sitting use (lawful development certificate for proposed use).

Address: London Road, Northwich, CW9 8AR.

Reference: 24/02133/LDC. Received: July 22, 2024. Status: Decided.

Description: Construction of two stable blocks (retrospective).

Address: Tarporley Road, Delamere, Northwich, CW6 9EE.

Reference: 24/02080/FUL. Received: July 16, 2024. Status: Approved.

Description: Reinstatement of Grade II Listed property to include internal and external works following fire damage.

Address: Caldwells Gate Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, CW9 6NX.

Reference: 24/01161/FUL. Received: April 23, 2024. Status: Approved.

Description: Felling of a large Oak tree in middle of garden severely overhanging onto conservatory roof.

Address: Millwood Drive, Hartford, Northwich, CW8 2ZJ.

Reference: 24/01745/TPO. Received: June 17, 2024. Status: Refused.