A WINSFORD funeral directors has issued a heartfelt appeal for the community to help give a former soldier the 'send off he deserves'.

Robert 'Bob' Robinson died at the Winsford Grange Care Home on September 16 at the age of 75.

A retired corporal in the King's Regiment (Liverpool), Bob sadly had no surviving friends or immediate family, with only his cousin as his next of kin.

Fowles Funeral Services, which was asked to arrange an unattended funeral, is now appealing for people to spare 10 minutes on Friday, October 11, to pay their respects to Bob.

A spokesman for the funeral directors said: "It's all in place now to give Corporal Robinson the send off he deserves, now we just need you.

"We are hoping there will be a few former soldiers in attendance, and care workers too, but we would love many more to pay respects to Bob.

"Everyone deserves a funeral, especially someone who served his country to protect others.

"Apart from his cousin, he has no family, we are hoping that on Friday you become his family.

"If you can, please come to Birches Crematorium to say goodbye to a soldier. A soldier who you didn't know, but who served for you and your country."

Robert 'Bob' RobinsonRobert 'Bob' Robinson (Image: Fowles Funeral Services) The funeral service will take place at Birches Crematorium in Lach Dennis, with the procession starting at Winsford Grange to allow staff and residents to say goodbye. The care home has offered to put refreshments on if anyone would like them.

At 9am, the procession will make its way to the crematorium where it will be welcomed into the grounds by bag piper Brodie Savage.

Fowles contacted Bob's former regiment, in which he was a member of the King's Band, serving as a bugler and a drummer.

Ten drummers from the King's Regiment will form a guard of honour as Bob enters the chapel for the service, which will begin at 9.30am and be led by celebrant Guy Rands.

The Fowles spokesman added: "We contacted the regiment and asked if they could send a representative. We also put a post on social media to see if anyone could spare 10 mins to attend his funeral.

"The response has been incredible. We have had so many lovely messages on Facebook from former regiment colleagues who had lost touch and his many carers over the years.

"They told us about 'Bob' and Guy will use these, and information from his cousin Phil, to tell his life story.

"We will then listen to the Birches Community Choir, which has kindly offered to attend and sing a couple of army 'classics'. 

"To end the service, the Last Post will be played by a 1st Duke of Lancaster Regiment bugler.

"We will leave the chapel to a piece of music by one of Bob's favourite artists, Johnny Cash.

"We have been amazed by the generosity and good will of people. Christie's Flowers will be supplying the funeral flowers and the Cheshire Bar and Grill pub will be opening early from 10am if anyone would like to go there following the service to raise a glass in Bob's memory."