A JEALOUS husband threatened to throw acid in the face of his estranged wife as he strangled and beat her while they drove home from a family funeral.  

Thomas Ward had travelled with her to Wrexham for the event on Thursday, May 16, then after, offered to drive her home to Northwich. 

While en route, the 40-year-old accused her of seeing another man behind his back, then started battering her from the driver's seat.

He then pulled the car to the side of the road and pushed her head down towards the passenger footwell while strangling her. 

She told police at one point, she felt she was about to lose consciousness, and remembers him threatening to throw acid in her face.

He carried on punching her for some time after releasing her, leaving cuts, lumps, and bruises.

Over the following days, she tried to conceal her appearance with make-up, but one of their children – all of whom were living with her – noticed, and told a teacher at school.

A few weeks later, on June 11, Ward turned up at their home in Northwich, banging on the door and making threats, demanding to be let in, which she refused.

He said he was going to break the door down and ‘smash her face in’, all while their children were upstairs.  

Police were called, who questioned him about this and the May 16 incident in the car, though he said she’d been the aggressor.

He was later charged with one count each of intentional strangulation, assault by beating, and making threats to kill.

At a plea hearing at Chester Crown Court on August 20, he admitted all three offences, and was remanded on bail to return on Friday, September 27.

Prosecuting, Amy Edwards told the court Ward already has convictions for assaulting a police officer in 2012, battery in 2016, and escaping lawful custody in 2017.

Defending, Julian Nutter said these events had been ‘a real car crash’ for his client, who had made full and frank admissions, expressed deep remorse, and had offered redress for his actions.

Mr Nutter said while Ward's wife's injuries had not been ‘the most serious’, they were sufficient for her to want to cover them up with make-up.

He added: “Mr Ward is not a risk to the public.  

“His children are the very heart of his life, and he wants to put them first.

“He supports them financially, and an immediate prison sentence would have a serious impact on them.”

Passing sentence, His Honour Judge Steven Everett said: “This kind of behaviour has dogged you for some time.

“You are only concerned with your own thoughts and feelings, and have no real inkling of the effect your behaviour has on others.

“While I accept you love your children, you certainly weren’t thinking of them when you were making those awful threats to their mother in front of them.

"This case clearly crosses the custody threshold, but I believe the public might be better off if you are given a proper chance to start to rehabilitate yourself, with appropriate help.”

Judge Everett handed Ward an 18-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

He was also told he must complete 200 hours unpaid work, and up to 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

The judge made a restraining order banning Ward, of Owenington Grove, Little Hulton, Greater Manchester, from approaching his wife, or an address in Northwich, until a further order is made.