RECKLESS youths terrorising Northwich residents have been warned they could face arrest.

Police officers in Davenham and Moulton have taken action following an alarming rise in anti-social behaviour.

CCTV footage and evidence has now been gathered to identify the culprits.

Residents and businesses around the Clifton Drive area have been intimidated and threatened over the past two weeks.

Mindless yobs have kicked and damaged windows, bus shelters and shutters in a violent rampage.

 Youths have been playing loud music, swearing and behaving in an aggressive manner towards members of the public.

Posting on social media, a spokesman for Northwich police said: “This is completely unacceptable.

“Over the past two weeks there has been an increase of anti-social behaviour around Clifton Drive area that has affected residents and businesses.

“There has been numerous reports stating youths playing loud music, swearing and being aggressive to residents and members of the public, climbing drain pipes, intimidating members of the public and kicking and damaging windows, bus shelters and shutters.”

PCSO Lee Robertson has been out and spoken to all those affected and collected numerous CCTV showing these incidents from numerous sources.

A police spokesman added: “We are now looking at identifying all those who are involved and once that has been completed, home visits will be conducted to speak about possible action that may be taken.

“Patrols will be carried out in the area and any youths hanging around the area will be questioned, maybe subject to stop searches and asked to move along.

“This is due to the issues that have occurred.”

PCSOs Lee Robertson and PC Tom Lock have already conducted some home visits and spoken to the youths and their parents.

Some youths have already been handed a community resolution order and warned that further issues will result in them being arrested and having to attend Northwich Police Station for an interview under caution.