A DAD-OF-THREE from Rudheath shattered a man's jaw with a single punch for thumping on the roof of his car at a red light. 

Craig Norman, of Foxglove Way, claimed he was intervening in an argument between the victim and his partner. 

The incident occurred at the junction of Winnington Avenue and Winnington Lane at around 7pm on Saturday, May 27, last year. 

The victim admitted to police he had been drinking that day, and had also been thrown out of McDonald's restaurant on High Street, Northwich, for abusing members of staff. 

Walking home, he met his partner on the A533 near Winnington Garden Centre.

Norman claims he spotted the couple arguing, and wound down his window to try to stop it from escalating while waiting for the lights to turn green.

By Norman's account, the man came over to his car - a black Volkswagen Golf with tinted windows - and started thumping on the roof with his fists.   

Furious, Norman crossed the lights when they turned green, pulled over, and got out. 

Craig Norman was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison in October 2023 for possessing of a bladed weapon in public Craig Norman was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison in October 2023 for possessing of a bladed weapon in public (Image: Facebook)

Norman then punched him once to the side of his face, knocking him to the ground.

The 26-year-old then got back into his car, did a U-turn, and drove off through a red light.

Paramedics were called and the victim was taken to hospital, and later transferred to the faciomaxillary surgical unit at Aintree Hospital in Liverpool, where he spent three days recovering from surgery.

Surgeons used two metal plates and four screws to put his jaw back together.

A witness managed to take down Norman’s registration plate, which was given to police, and he was later identified by the victim and his partner independently.  

Norman was charged with one count of assault causing grievous bodily harm, which he initially denied, claiming he’d been acting in self-defence.

However, he changed his plea to guilty at a hearing at Chester Crown Court on August 15, and was bailed to return for sentencing on Monday, September 23.

Prosecuting, Oliver King explained a witness said Norman had left his victim lying in ‘a considerable a pool of blood’ after the assault.

Mr King said the victim still experiences pain in his jaw, eats soft food, and suffers from anxiety and hypervigilance when he’s away from his home.

He added Norman has eight previous convictions for 14 offences, including battery, possession of class C drugs, and possessing offensive weapons including a knuckleduster and a catapult.

He also served a 20-week prison sentence in October 2023 for carrying a bladed weapon in public.

Defending, Philip Clemo described the attack as ‘impulsive and immature’, adding: “It was a very stupid thing to do, but not entirely without provocation.

“Immaturity seems to be something of a theme when you consider his criminal record.”

Mr Clemo added Norman is a ‘devoted’ father-of-three, and his partner says his children 'all ‘adore their dad’, and she wants him to go on playing a key role in their lives.

Mr Clemo said prison would negatively impact his client’s rehabilitation, adding justice would be better served in community, provided her was ‘kept on a tight leash’.

Passing sentence, His Honour Judge Michael Leeming said: “You attacked your victim, who is a stranger to you, at a time of when day when it was witnessed by a number of people.

“This aggravates matter, as do your relevant criminal convictions, and the fact you left the scene.

“In your favour, you did not use a weapon, and the attack was spontaneous and relatively short lived."

Judge Leeming handed Norman a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

He also ordered him complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days, complete 200 hours unpaid work, and pay £1,000 compensation to his victim at £80 a month.  

Judge Leeming added: “The fact you’re in employment, have a loving and supportive family, children who depend on you, and you've done no further offending since this incident has gone in your favour.”