WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Guardian Camera Club group.

This week, Celia Axford shares some of her favourite photographs.

Celia, who has lived in Antrobus all her life, took up photography during the Covid-19 pandemic and dreams of capturing the Northern Lights one day.

If you would like to appear in Behind the Lens, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk

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Guardian Camera Club member Celia Axford

Guardian Camera Club member Celia Axford

When and why did you take up photography?

I took up photography four years ago because that’s when I started noticing the beauty in everyday places.

What do you love about taking pictures?

I dog walk for friends and take the opportunity to take photos on these walks in the countryside.

Antrobus Golf Club

Antrobus Golf Club


“I enjoy being near the River Weaver, walking, fishing and capturing memories”

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

I love taking pictures in the countryside. I also like to take pictures on holiday.

Lighting up the skies

Lighting up the skies

What is your favourite subject matter and why?

The countryside and animals, pets, sunrises, sunsets. Who doesn’t like pretty colours in the sky?


“Taking and editing photographs is great for my mental health”

Walkway to the sea

Walkway to the sea

What do you enjoy about being part of our Camera Club on Facebook?

I enjoy looking at everybody’s photos in the camera club and am stunned at how amazing they are. I love the ones of birds and the details that are shown,

If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?

If I could photograph anything it would be the Northern Lights. I completely missed them when they were visible in our part of the world earlier this year.

Through the trees

Through the trees