YOUNGESTRS in Middlewich showed off their artistic skills to help a much-loved discounter celebrate its first anniversary. 

Liverpool-based retailer, Home Bargains, opened its door on Southway exactly one year ago today (September 16), proving a welcome addition to the high street for price-savvy shoppers in the town centre.

And when it comes to turnover, the shop has been exceeding all expectations, according to store team leader, Dan Watters.

After such a successful start, managers thought it only right to mark one year’s trading by bringing customers and their kids in on the action, asking them to help with a number-one-shaped birthday card display in the store's front window. 

They'll also be holding a lunchtime first anniversary buffet for the staff, so the company can show its appreciation for their hard work over what’s turned out to be a fantastic year.

Children have been bringing cards into the store to help staff with their celebrationsChildren have been bringing cards into the store to help staff with their celebrations (Image: Dan Watters) Dan added: “It’s been really cute to watch all the kids bringing their homemade cards in for our big number-one window display.

“There were about seven on the first day, but it’s just been growing and growing.

“One has actually been knitted. It’s really lovely, but I expect whoever made that one had a little bit of help for a mum or gran.   

“We’re also holding a buffet lunch birthday party for staff in the canteen, just to show appreciation for their hard work over the first year.

“With a new store, it’s not always straightforward, but the Middlewich team have managed to smash it.

“The place has performed well beyond expectations. I haven’t been here the full year, but from what I’ve gathered from colleagues, it’s been an absolute sensation.”

“The customers love us being here. They were super excited a Home Bargains had arrived in the town.

“There’re a really great bunch. Some of them are like family as we see them every day.

"Here's to an equally brilliant second year."