Welcome to St Nicholas Catholic High School: a true school community where everyone is welcome and 'everyone matters

We set out to ensure that every child entrusted to our care is made to feel welcome and that their time here is a happy and successful one. Students are expected and encouraged to always give their best, work hard at all times and demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy, behaviour and dress so they are excellent ambassadors for our school community.

Every year, we welcome Catholic students from our partner primary schools alongside many children from non-Catholic families. Over the last few years, all families who put St Nicholas as their first choice and wished their child to join in September were able to do so.

The team of dedicated staff at St Nicholas are fully committed to providing students with every possible opportunity to become the very best person they can possibly be — to use their gifts and talents to develop their learning and realise their potential, to explore new hobbies and interests, to serve others through charitable works and to understand their place in the wider world as stewards of creation and leaders of the future.

(Image: St Nicholas Catholic High School) We also offer comprehensive enrichment and co-curricular opportunities for students across all year groups, which look to deepen and enhance the vibrant curriculum and learning pupils experience within the classroom. Whatever your interest, there is always something to do at lunchtime or after school with so many clubs, groups and activities on offer. Residential trips are always popular with students including our annual ski trip, visits to such places as France, Spain, Iceland, Lourdes and Borneo to mention but a few! Our residential retreats, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, Choir and band tours complement year group activity days and reward experiences which all serve to support your child's experience here at St Nicholas.

St Nicholas also has a rich heritage and history of sporting excellence and inclusion — we are one of only 1% of all secondary schools in the country to be awarded the prestigious Sportsmark Platinum Award which recognises the fantastic opportunities that students are offered at our school.

Visitors regularly comment on the friendly, orderly and purposeful atmosphere within our school. Our Mission Statement lays down the values and principles that are the foundation of this community and we try hard to live up to these ideals.

We are a community of exceptional staff and outstanding students with high expectations and ambitions for every child in our care. We are all extremely proud of our school and I hope that you can join us for our Open Evening on the 25th September, 6-8pm to see for yourselves what makes St Nicholas such a special school community.

St Nicholas Sixth Form

(Image: St Nicholas Catholic High School) Part of our Mission Statement at St Nicholas Catholic Sixth Form is to put the future of our students at the forefront of everything we do - Your Future First

St Nicholas Catholic Sixth Form is increasingly admitting students from schools across the Mid Cheshire areas who recognise the value of continuing their education within a well-structured school-based environment.

All students receive personal and outstanding pastoral care, and we equally seek applications from both Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. Teachers at St Nicholas work tirelessly to ensure that students achieve the ambitions ready for the next stage in their lives.

We are very proud of the university and careers guidance we offer our students and our progression rates of students who are successfully placed at the most competitive Universities and Apprenticeships is consistently well above the national average In addition to this we are well aware that achieving academic excellence is no longer enough to succeed in a competitive, modern day Britain. With this in mind we offer a varied programme of Enrichment which allows all students to tailor their own bespoke programme. This is complemented by our Pastoral Curriculum, which broaden our student’s skill set, whilst offering bespoke support.

Within the Sixth Form we are continuously creating opportunities for our students to develop existing skills and acquire new ones which are sought after by university admissions tutors and employers. Our students have the opportunity to travel to remote places on the Sixth Form expeditions; Borneo, Botswana and the Greek Islands are some of the recent expeditions where students have been heavily involved with charity-based projects whilst in the country.

During the summer we had a number of students travel to Vietnam and Cambodia as part of cultural and charity expedition. Opportunities such as mentoring, running fundraising and sports events, developing leadership skills through applying to become Senior Prefects, whilst at the same time contributing to the life of the whole school, ethos and values allows St Nicholas to prepare students for life, long after completion of their A Level exams

We believe, unequivocally, that St Nicholas Catholic Sixth Form offers students the independence of a college but with the personal support and guidance of a Sixth Form.

We look forward to meeting you at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday 22nd October from 6pm-8pm.