VANDALS in Knutsford took turns filming each other as they launched a ‘deranged and vindictive’ attack on a TV historian’s late dad’s car.

Carl Cookson, an entrepreneur and host of Sky History’s hit series Lost Relics of the Knights Templar, said the ‘malicious’ attack on the Range Rover felt like ‘an assault on his family’.

It happened in the early hours of Tuesday, September 3, in the car park of the Courthouse on Toft Road, when the vandals also senselessly smashed up the bus stop opposite.

Carl says CCTV footage shows a group of people taking turns throwing boulders at the paintwork and windows while their accomplices film them on mobile phones.

"They didn’t stop until every window was smashed," he said.

Carl and his brother bought the Range Rover new in 2008 for their dad, who sadly died six month later, and he keeps it largely for sentimental reasons. 

It was still being repaired after a similar attack on August 29, and Carl had just spent £2,000 on parts when the vandals struck for a second time. 

The attackers smashed every window and did serious damage to the bodyworkThe attackers smashed every window and did serious damage to the bodywork (Image: Carl Cookson)

He added: “I was in shock when I discovered it. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

“The level of violence was so extreme. You could see it was a deranged and vindictive attack.

“There was such malice and hatred in the manner they destroyed it. They threw boulders at the bodywork and smashed every remaining pane of glass. 

The Range Rover and the bus stop were attacked with bouldersThe Range Rover and the bus stop were attacked with boulders (Image: Carl Cookson)

"It was like an assault on my family.

“I’ve got CCTV footage, and you can see them filming themselves as they took turns throwing boulders. The videos will be social capital for them, and I believe they’ll have shared them with friends.  

“The car’s not worth much, but my brother and I bought it brand new for our dad in 2008, but he sadly passed away six months later.

“It is not worth much now, but I’ve always kept and used it.

Carl had just spend £2,000 on parts to repair the car after it was targeted on August 29Carl had just spend £2,000 on parts to repair the car after it was targeted on August 29 (Image: Carl Cookson)

“I would imagine if these kids aren’t caught, something really terrible is going to happen. It’s only a matter of time.

“I think they feel bulletproof at the moment because nothing has happened to them.

“I really do fear for the future. We don’t normally get crime like this in Knutsford.”

Serious damage was inflicted on the bodyworkSerious damage was inflicted on the bodywork (Image: Carl Cookson)

Carl says it’s hardly worth claiming on his insurance as the car would be written off, but he intends to put the damage right at his own expense.

Cheshire Police are aware of the incident and asked for anyone with information to contact them on 101 or through the website, quoting IML-1909818.

A police spokesman said: “On Tuesday, September 3, police were called to reports of criminal damage to a bus stop and a vehicle in Toft Road, Knutsford, which was believed to have been caused during the early hours of that morning.

“A previous incident against the same vehicle was reported on Thursday, August 29.

“Anyone with any information should contact us.”