IT’S that time of the year again when we appeal to junior sports teams to take part in our Northwich and Winsford Guardian and Knutsford Guardian Your Team 2024 souvenir edition.

Last year was a bumper year for submissions with nearly 100 teams featured.

We'd love clubs across the town to get involved this year and send in their team photos, whatever your sport.

All you have to do is gather your players together for a team photograph and then send it across to us by the deadline of Sunday, October 20 ahead of the supplement being published later in the year.

On this occasion we don’t request players’ names, just the name of your sports team.

Please try to ensure that the picture is a close up shot taken during daylight hours and that the players are looking at the camera.

Your pictures need to be taken in colour and preferably landscape, although portrait/upright photos are fine for smaller teams with fewer than seven players.

Unfortunately, we can’t accept montages or any photographs where faces have either been blurred out or covered up by emojis, so please ensure that you have permission for all children to be photographed prior to submission.

Use the pop-up form at the bottom of the page to submit a photo.

Alternatively, email your photo to