A NORTHWICH man has been handed a restraining order after stalking a woman and her partner when she rebuffed his advances.

John Harding, of Forster Avenue, Weaverham, had known the woman for 18 months and wanted to begin a relationship with her.

But the woman turned down the 39-year-old and began refusing requests to meet up as well as ignoring repeated messages.

Then, while she was out with a new partner at Northwich Quay, the couple spotted Harding in the car park.

Between November 20 and December 19 last year, Harding attended her address, and an address he believed she would be present at, on numerous occasions which amounted to harassment.

Harding was later charged with two counts of stalking without alarm or distress, denying them both.

But he was found guilty at a court hearing on August 5 and returned before magistrates in Warrington for sentencing on September 2.

The bench handed Harding a two-year restraining order banning him from contacting his victims in any way and from entering specified addresses and areas in Northwich.

Magistrates also imposed a 12-month community order, in which the defendant must complete a 30-day Building Better Relationships programme.

He must also pay £650 in court costs as well as a £114 surcharge.