A HUGE oak tree in Cheshire that is 1,200 years old is among a dozen ‘magnificent oaks’ on the shortlist for an annual Tree of the Year competition.

Residents are now able to vote for their favourite, with the shortlist including a tree that sheltered 19th century children’s tea parties, the UK’s widest oak and one which is shaped like an elephant.

The Woodland Trust said 11 trees on the theme of magnificent oaks had been chosen by a panel of tree experts, along with one nominated by members of the public via social media.

They include oaks which are over a thousand years old, many with huge girths, individuals sporting ancient graffiti and a wide array of wildlife, hanging on in Sitka spruce plantations or threatened with felling for a bypass.

One shortlisted in Cheshire is Marton Oak – a 1,200-year-old sessile oak tree with a huge 14.02 metre girth, making it the UK’s widest recorded oak.

The tree stands in a private garden on ‘Oak Lane’ and has a totally hollow trunk.

According to the charity, oaks can live more than 1,500 years and support 2,300 different species of wildlife, and the UK boasts more ancient oaks than the rest of western Europe combined.

As the Woodland Trust is campaigning for more robust legal protections for the country’s most valuable trees, the charity said it was an obvious choice to select oaks – which are ‘ingrained in our heritage’ – to make up the shortlist.

As in previous years, the winning tree in the poll, which is open until October 21, will go forward to compete in the European Tree of the Year contest early next year.

Dr Kate Lewthwaite, citizen science manager at the Woodland Trust, said: “We chose the iconic oak because it captures people’s imaginations.

“From their leaves to their acorns, these trees are ingrained in our heritage, and the ancients are so impressive in terms of their sheer size and age.

“Some oaks that are alive today were already centuries old at the time of Queen Elizabeth I or Charles Darwin.

“It is humbling to think how many events these trees have lived through, and that reaching full maturity they can stand for hundreds of years as ancient trees – all the while continuing to provide vital habitat as they hollow and produce dead wood.”

The Woodland Trust is warning that, despite their key part of British culture and heritage, oaks and other ancient trees have very little legal protection.

As well as voting in the competition, people are also being invited to sign the Woodland Trust’s ‘living legends’ petition, calling for stronger laws around cutting down valuable trees.

Adam Cormack, head of campaigns at the Woodland Trust said: “The history of our country is interwoven with these wonderful trees, which have built our ships and cities, and after which we have named so many places – and pubs.

“It is essential that future generations have the opportunity to stand under a centuries-old oak and wonder what stories it holds.”

To vote or sign the petition, visit woodlandtrust.org.uk