A SCHOOL is celebrating its best GCSE results ever.

Students and staff at Weaverham High School were in high spirits this morning as the class of 2024 achieved the best set of exam results in the school’s history.

There were strong results across all departments but the school is particularly proud to have reinforced the reputation it has for the arts, technology and PE.

Head teacher Clare Morgan said: “We are so proud of our year 11 students who have contributed to the school's excellent GCSE results.

“Our pupils have worked incredibly hard and have been determined to achieve well, this is clearly evident in the dedication they showed to their studies and to the qualities of success that Weaverham High School strives to develop in all students.”

She added: “There have been phenomenal achievements with many students achieving at the very highest level.

“That said, what gives me the greatest pleasure is the consistent progress that our students make irrespective of their ability or starting points.

“When Weaverham pupils strive to be the best version of themselves, that is when we see success.

“Thanks must also go to our dedicated and passionate staff who have worked tirelessly supporting our students.

“Our school is committed to succeed and, as these results prove, embed an ethic of excellence in all we do. Congratulations to all!"

Ed Jones enters the school's 'one percent club'Ed Jones enters the school's 'one percent club' (Image: Newsquest)

While it was an impressive showing for the year group as a whole, there was one particular standout.

Ed Jones achieved grade 9s across every subject, entering him into the school’s ‘one per cent club’ – the fifth consecutive year a pupil has managed such a feat.

“I was a bit nervous but I’m very, very, happy with what I have done,” he said.

“I’m just pretty shocked, I don’t know what to say! It’s a really great feeling.”

Ed is off to Sir John Deane’s Sixth Form College, where he is planning to take maths, further maths and physics.

Joining him at the college will be a number of his peers from Weaverham, including Darcey Harris who achieved four 9s and six 8s.

She said: "I’m really happy with my results.

“I was nervous about today but knew it would go well.

“It’s a bit emotional being here for the last time but I’m going to Sir John Deane's and I’ll be with a lot of my friends there."

Darcey Harris and Poppy Chapman are both off to Sir John Deane'sDarcey Harris and Poppy Chapman are both off to Sir John Deane's (Image: Newsquest)

Darcey is planning to take maths, chemistry, and biology.

Taking a similar path is Nathan Brassington, who will study maths, chemistry and physics after achieving five 9s, an 8 and the rest 7s in his GCSEs.

"I didn’t know what to expect, I just wanted to pass English and I got two 7s!"

Dad David said: "We did all we could to support him because he didn’t seem to be pulling his socks up but clearly he did more than we realised!

Nathan is a multi-event athlete and has competed for Cheshire and England.

David added: "Athletics has really opened doors for him and now these results have as well!"

Nathan Brassington and dad David open his GCSE resultsNathan Brassington and dad David open his GCSE results (Image: Newsquest)

Paying farewell to the latest cohort, Mrs Morgan said: “I am so proud that our young people leave us, not only excellent academic qualifications to secure their chosen destination, but with admirable personal qualities and the character needed to excel, wherever their journey takes them.

“It has been an honour to be a part of their journey of self-discovery and now, their academic success.”