VOLUNTEERS are needed to help stamp out an invasive plant species on the River Weaver.

The Angling Trust is calling on Winsford residents to help clear the waterway of floating pennywort.

The non-native plant can cause ‘massive damage’ to local habitats, ravaging fish stocks and overpowering native plants and animals.

Angling Trust fisheries officer, Ian Doyle, said: “The event on the River Weaver in Winsford is part of an important series of events that we run to remove floating pennywort for the benefit of both anglers and all water users.

“In the past, we’ve had great responses from volunteers across the North West who help the effort and it’s the local people who make a real difference to their local waters.

“These events are as inclusive as possible to allow for the participation of almost anyone who wants to get involved.

“There are physical and non-physical roles available on the day and we encourage everyone to get involved.”

Volunteers are needed to help remove the floating pennywortVolunteers are needed to help remove the floating pennywort (Image: Supplied)

Dr Emily Smith, the trust’s head of environment, explained that floating pennywort can spread at an ‘extremely fast’ pace and grow up to 20cm a day.

As such, leaving it unchecked can ‘choke’ habitats for native species and create a floating mat on the water’s surface that reduces oxygen and prevents light from penetrating.

This in turn can ruin fishing sites and may present a general flood risk if it backs up behind weirs or bridges.

Dr Smith said: “Floating pennywort is one of a group of invasive non-native species plants and animals that individually and collectively can cause massive damage to our environment and native species. 

“They can ravage fish stocks and outcompete and dominate native species of plant and animal life.

“Anglers and other volunteers are taking important action to control this invasive plant and without this, the species will continue to spread along the Weaver creating further negative impacts on this river, and potentially spreading into other rivers, lakes and canals too." 

The plant can 'ravage' fish stocksThe plant can 'ravage' fish stocks (Image: Supplied)

The event on the Weaver takes place this Saturday (August 17) from 10am to 3pm at Winsford Marina.

Anyone wishing to lend a hand must register their attendance at www.anglingtrust.net/events/volunteer-floating-pennywort-removal-event-river-weaver-winsford/.