PLANS to build 13 homes on land off Wrights Lane in Sandbach have been recommended for approval, 18 months after the council refused an application for 25 homes on the site.

The land lies within the allocated LPS53 Capricorn site in the local plan and the main reason for refusal of the previous scheme was because some of the homes proposed were on land allocated for employment use.

Cheshire East’s southern planning committee also said Wrights Lane, by reason of its narrow nature, would not provide a safe and suitable access to serve the proposed development and councillors were unhappy with the insufficient open space.

Edgefold Homes appealed against the council’s refusal and lost.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) Cheshire East’s southern planning committee will consider a new application for 13 homes on the site.

A report from the council’s planning officer states: "This current application differs... in that the site has been reduced in size and is now limited to the area identified as housing and planting belt.”

With regard to access to the site, the officer’s report states: "The previous application included a reason for refusal due to the access via Wrights Lane.

“This reason was not accepted by the inspector who determined the previous appeal."

Cllr Sam CorcoranCllr Sam Corcoran (Image: Cheshire East Council)

Ward councillor Sam Corcoran (Lab) has asked the committee to refuse the application.

In his ‘call-in’ letter, Cllr Corcoran said the site would result in a piecemeal loss of part of the employment allocation.

He added: “The access through Wrights Lane is inadequate. Enforcement of the existing double yellow lines on the corner of Wrights Lane/Heath Road is already problematic.”

Sandbach Town Council has objected to this latest application as have 18 local residents.

The application is due to be considered tomorrow (Wednesday, July 31), by the southern planning committee which meets at 10am at Crewe Municipal Buildings.