CHESHIRE East has reluctantly given the go-ahead for 84 homes on a Sandbach site councillors believe should not be developed.

The council has refused a number of applications for the site south of Old Mill Road dating back to 2012, often to have them overturned by inspectors at appeal.

This means there is already a permission on the site so, if the strategic planning board had turned down this latest application this week, a previous development could have gone ahead.

The application being considered was from the Muller Property Group for 84 homes on two parcels of land to the east of the A534 and south of Old Mill Road.

The 3.18 hectare site comprises agricultural land and Fields Farm.

Planning permission has already been granted for the demolition of the farm.

Access will be off a new spine road and remodelled five-arm roundabout off Old Mill Road.

Cllr Sam CorcoranCllr Sam Corcoran (Image: Cheshire East Council)

Nearly 120 residents objected to this latest scheme and ward councillor Sam Corcoran (Lab), who opposed the original application many years ago, told Wednesday’s meeting: “My main concern now is over highways implications.

“Members who travel through Sandbach will be aware of the considerable congestion on Old Mill Road.”

He said the council had previously asked for £200k to fund highways improvements but this has been refused by the inspector.

Cllr Steve EdgarCllr Steve Edgar (Image: Cheshire East Council)

Haslington councillor Steve Edgar (Con) said this latest scheme ‘is much improved from the previous one’.

He added: “Consent’s already been granted. They can build another set of houses. I’m inclined to move it for approval.”

He sought assurances over cycle parking and footpaths, when the later detailed stage was dealt with.

Cllr Stewart Gardiner (Knutsford, Con) seconded the approval ‘with a heavy heart’.

Cllr Stewart GardinerCllr Stewart Gardiner (Image: Cheshire East Council)

He said he shared  Cllr Corcoran’s concerns and ‘I don't think this site should ever have been identified as being suitable for development’.

But he said he did think this proposal was better than what had been allowed at appeal.

“I think we would be cutting our noses off to spite our face, if we were to do anything but approve this,” said Cllr Gardiner.

“I would note that we've lost the proposed petrol filling station and some rather large industrial units that were proposed on part of this site by an earlier scheme, which would have been disastrous, both in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of the traffic.

“And so therefore, despite the fact that we are now 12 years since the planning permission was first granted on this site, we do appear to have at least reached a place that is a significant improvement on what we were first asked to consider.”

Ten councillors voted to approve the application and one abstained.