A ‘SUSPICIOUS’ van has been spotted around a the Kingsmead area of Northwich.

Northwich South police have asked residents to get in touch after reports of a white Ford Transit van seen in the area, with its occupants ‘acting suspiciously’.

Police have urged anyone who spots the van to get in touch with them ‘straight away’.

A spokesperson for the force said: “Recently there have been a number of reports passed to us via 101 and PCSO Lee Robertson, in regards to a white Transit van and its occupants acting suspiciously.

“The white Transit van was seen in a number of areas in Kingsmead and was first alerted to residents through Kingsmead social media channels.

“It was then reported to ourselves and we were provided the details of the van.

“It was checked and it was seen to be out of the area and since then has not been spotted since.”

The van in questionThe van in question (Image: Cheshire Police)

They added: “We do thank those people who reported this issue to ourselves and PCSO Robertson has conducted house visits to update all those who reported it.

“We do also thank those who communicated this to other residents through the Kingsmead social media channels, but as we don't have access to those channels we do ask that it is also reported to us straight away.

“So, we do ask if this van is spotted again within the area, please report to 101 straight away.”