A TEENAGE darts shop owner has met his idol.

Raymond Leese, 14, opened his own business, Upstart Darts, in Middlewich earlier this year.

It was the meteoric rise of Premier League champion Luke Littler that inspired him to do so.

This past weekend, the Ellesmere College pupil’s dreams came true as he got to play alongside his hero at the Cheshire Open.

“What a day!” Raymond said.

“Who could believe just a few months ago I was watching the darts on TV with my family when a 16-year-old upstart came on and blew everyone away.

“Now, just over six months later, I not only met Luke Littler but also played in a competition alongside him!

“Upstart Darts has changed my life and I’m so proud of what I have done with thanks to the support of my family and inspiration from ‘The Nuke’."

Raymond was inspired to open his own shop by Luke LittlerRaymond was inspired to open his own shop by Luke Littler (Image: SWNS)

Raymond had no idea Luke would be in attendance when he arrived at the Coppenhall Club in Crewe on Sunday (July 21).

One of the shop’s customers asked Luke if he would take a photo with ‘a young lad who just opened a darts shop’.

It turned out that the 17-year-old sensation was already well aware of Upstart Darts.

Raymond added: “I was shocked and extremely happy that he already knew about my shop.

 “We then got a photo and I shook his hand. He was very nice.”

After meeting Luke, Middlewich resident Raymond got involved in the competition and as luck would have it, his oche was right next door to the World Championship finalist.

Perhaps needless to say, 'The Nuke' would go on to win the tournament, bagging a £1,000 prize.

READ MORE: Teenager inspired by Luke Littler opens his own darts shop

Raymond competes at the Cheshire Open, next to his idol Luke LittlerRaymond competes at the Cheshire Open, next to his idol Luke Littler (Image: Supplied)

The chance encounter comes with the arrival of the school holidays, giving Raymond more time to focus on his shop on Booth Lane.

Upstart Darts opened its doors in June and has enjoyed a successful start to life so far.

Speaking shortly after the opening, Raymond’s dad Julian said: “Luke managed to achieve his goals at a very young age which gave Raymond the motivation to do the same thing.

“Luke’s success story showed him that if he wants to achieve something, regardless of how young he is, reaching your goals is possible if you put in the effort, motivating Raymond to open the darts shop.

“My wife and I are so proud of him getting his project this far. As parents, we fully support and behind him whatever ventures he comes up with.

“All we ask is that he needs to show us the commitment that he is serious and really wants to do it.”

Upstart Darts opened in JuneUpstart Darts opened in June (Image: SWNS)