WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Guardian Camera Club group.

This week, Matt Nowell shares some of his favourite photographs.

Matt, who lives in Northwich, has always been interested in photography and the arts but it wasn’t until more recently – in the past three years – that he took it up seriously.

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Guardian Camera Club member Matt Nowell

Guardian Camera Club member Matt Nowell

When and why did you take up photography?

I have always been interested in photography and the arts. As I grew up and my love for the outdoors became part of my life, I wanted to be able to document the things I’d seen and the feelings that certain places bring to me. I first took up photography around three years ago and was shooting a lot of street photography. I gradually transitioned to more landscape scenes to the point now where I would now say I am primarily a landscape photographer. I really enjoy being outside and trying to capture images that make you feel like you are really there.

Aurora Borealis, Old Pale Heights, Delamere

Aurora Borealis, Old Pale Heights, Delamere

What do you love about taking pictures?

I love the process of researching a location, trying to work out what conditions a certain scene would look good in and then going out and scouting different locations and compositions. Once I am happy with everything, I enjoy creating the image and trying to capture the scene in the best way that represents the feeling of being there when looking back at it in the final edit.


“I’d love to photograph the Northern Lights with a polar bear in the foreground”

Autumns arrival, Delamere Forest

Autumn's arrival, Delamere Forest

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

One of my favourite locations to shoot is out in the Peak District as there are some incredible rock formations and sunsets. More locally, I enjoy being around the River Weaver as I have lived nearby my whole life. I have spent many hours there, fishing and walking around the river, so it holds many happy memories for me.

Purple nights, Northwich

Purple nights, Northwich

What is your favourite subject matter and why?

I really enjoy photographing trees. They can be incredibly complicated to photograph with all the complexities of the branches and leaves and how they catch the light and bounce the light around in an image, but also very rewarding if I manage to get a good shot.


“Whenever I feel low, I just head out and snap away – photography gives me a boost”

Spring crops, Northwich

Spring crops, Northwich

What do you enjoy about being part of our Camera Club on Facebook?

I enjoy seeing photos from the local areas and seeing locations and places that I may have not yet explored. I also seeing compositions that I think I could go back and do my own take on.

Storm brewing over the rapeseed, Little Legh

Storm brewing over the rapeseed, Little Legh

If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?

I’ve always wanted to go to Madeira to photograph the Fanal Forest where there are some amazing old trees that in the right conditions create spooky alien-like shapes in the mist.