A MAN found with drugs and a knife near a Northwich park has avoided an immediate spell behind bars.

Daniel Porter, of Hamletts Close, in Winsford, was stopped in Vickersway, Northwich, on April 24 earlier this year.

Alongside a blade, the 19-year-old was also found to be in possession of a quantity of cannabis, a class B drug.

Porter was arrested and charged with the two offences, as well as two motoring offences - driving without insurance and driving otherwise in accordance with a licence.

He appeared at Warrington Magistrates Court on July 22 for sentencing after pleading guilty to all four charges at a hearing on June 20.

Taking his admission into account, magistrates jailed Porter for eight weeks, but suspended the sentence for six months.

The court heard the the offence - carrying a knife in public - was so serious, only a custodial sentence could be justified.

However the bench chose to suspend the jail term due to Porter suffering with his mental health. It was hoped the suspended sentence 'would keep the defendant out of trouble'.

Magistrates ordered the knife and drugs be forfeited and disposed of by Cheshire Police.

With regards the driving offences, the bench endorsed Porter's licence with six penalty points and fined him £70.