A DRUG dealer selling cocaine in Winsford has avoided an immediate spell behind bars.

Sean Sendall, of Newall Crescent in Winsford, pleaded guilty to two drug offences when he appeared at Crewe Magistrates Court on June 10 earlier this year.

The court heard both offences had occurred in the town on June 20, 2022. The 32-year-old admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine and possession with intent to supply.

Sendall case was adjourned and sent to Chester Crown Court, where he returned to the dock on July 15 for sentencing. 

Recorder Mark Cooper handed Sendall a two-year prison sentence, suspended for two years.

He also ordered him to participate in up to 15 days of rehabilitation activity and undertake 200 hours of unpaid work, to be completed within 12 months.

Recorder Cooper also made a forfeiture order for £640 in cash, which will now be used by the chief constable of Cheshire Police in the fight against crime.

Sendall must also pay £400 in court costs to the Crown Prosecution Service and a £187 surcharge.