DIVERSITY was celebrated as school pupils raised money for an important cause.

Greenbank Residential School held its first-ever Diversity Festival at the end of June.

The day raised money for Cheshire Autism Practical Support (ChAPS) and saw students and their families treated to a variety of entertainment, including break dancers and Transformers.

Kirsty Brooks, a teaching assistant at the school’s sixth-form, said: “The day was enjoyed by all Greenbank students, their families and staff.

“We had a day full of entertainment; singers, choirs, breakdancing and even some special guests - Transformers!

“To finish off a fantastic day we had a Diversity Parade around the track, with inspirational and hand-made flags.”

Diversity ParadeDiversity Parade (Image: Supplied)

Sixth form pupils had been discussing local charities and the impact they have on the community during lessons run by NCS (National Citizen Service).

This inspired the students to come together and vote for ChAPS as their chosen charity.

The service is used by several pupils at Greenbank and the school take often classes to visit the ChAPS-run Ark Café off Navigation Road.

To raise money for charity, the students decided to host a diversity-themed festival, to celebrate all the ways we are different.

With a theme and a date set, pupils split into groups and were given jobs based on their interests.

There was a technical team, a fundraising crew, performance liaisons and even a dedicated recycling team.

Visitors had the chance to meet a variety of cuddly crittersVisitors had the chance to meet a variety of cuddly critters (Image: Supplied)

With the festival, held on Friday (June 28), going down so well, eyes are already turning to 2025.

Miss Brooks said: "We raised a total of £255 for ChAPS. The money will fund summer activities for their upper teen members. 

“On behalf of the sixth form we would like to say a huge thank you to all of the VIPS who attended, you all made the day!

“Same again next year!”