AN inquest has been formally concluded into the death of a woman found with a blunt force head injury.

Uncertainty remains surrounding the death of Lesley-Ann Dawson, who died aged 54 at the Walton Centre at Aintree Hospital on September 19, 2022.

Her inquest was concluded at Warrington Coroner’s Court by Jaqueline Devonish, senior coroner for Cheshire, having been submitted as a written inquest by assistant coroner for Cheshire Sarah Murphy.

Ms Dawson, née Dodds, was born in Whitley Bay, North Tyneside, but lived in the Kingsmead area of Northwich.

Her occupation was given as a nurse and she was the wife of Andrew, a computer consultant.

The inquest heard how she had a recent medical history of alcohol withdrawal seizures and had been drinking heavily for a number of months.

On September 14, Cheshire Police completed a medical check at her home and found her unconscious with a head injury.

Officers reported heavy blood staining on her bed and a door off its hinges, and she was rushed to Aintree Hospital by air ambulance.

Ms Dawson underwent surgery and was taken to the intensive care unit, where she was intubated and ventilated.

Sadly however, she did not respond to treatment and died on September 19.

Blood samples were sent for a toxicology assessment and these did not detect alcohol.

However, the court heard that, due to the time between potentially consuming it and the sampling, it could have been eliminated from her system.

A Home Office post-mortem examination was conducted and gave a medical cause of death as blunt force head injury.

Police found no evidence of any third-party involvement in Ms Dawson’s death.

Coroner Devonish said: “It is not possible to determine on the balance of probabilities that the fatal head trauma was due to a fall while intoxicated or an alcohol-related fit.

“That brings the inquest process to a conclusion and the inquest is formally closed.

“All that remains therefore is for me to express my condolences to her family.”