A PRIMARY school in Winsford played host to the Church of England's second-in-command.  

The Archbishop of York, the Most Revered and Right Honourable Stephen Cottrell, paid a very special visit to St Chad's CE Primary School on Friday, June 21.

‘His grace’, as he is formally known, was on a mission visit to the diocese of Chester, and was accompanied by the Bishop of Chester, the Right Reverend Mark Tanner, as well as the diocesan director of education, Chris Penn.

The archbishop shared a message about the importance of God's love with pupils, who led prayers and singing themselves, as part of a special worship activity where they reflected on God’s love for humanity.

Archbishop Stephen also gave the school a signed copy of his new children's book, as well as presenting year four children with their Archbishop’s Young Leaders Awards, the first time he has ever done so personally.

St Chad's pupils taking part in their special worship activity with the archbishopSt Chad's pupils taking part in their special worship activity with the archbishop (Image: Catherine Speed)

The award helps pupils learn about people who have made a difference in the world and worked to bring justice, as well as teaching them how to design and run activities which help and support others.

St Chad’s head teacher, Catherine Speed, said: "The visit was a privilege for our school.

“My vicar and I had practised calling him Your Grace, but when he arrived, he just wanted to be called Stephen.

“At the afternoon tea which followed worship, he reminded us that he was not a special visitor, instead he was part of our St Chad's family.

“It was obvious the visit brought as much joy to Archbishop Stephen as it did to us as a school."