A MAN who threatened to share his ex-partner’s nudes has been back in court.

Damian Williams, of Dart Walk in Winsford, has avoided jail despite breaching a restraining order handed to him in January for harassment offences.

The order banned the 30-year-old from contacting his victim in any way, which he did on Saturday (June 22).

Williams was summoned to Warrington Magistrates Court on Tuesday (June 25) where he was handed a six-week prison sentence, suspended for a year.

Magistrates felt that only a custodial sentence could be justified, as Williams has down a 'flagrant disregard' for court orders.

However, the court heard they chose to suspend the jail term, as it is believed there is a 'realistic prospect of rehabilitation'.

At the hearing in January, prosecutor Nicola Parr explained that Williams and his victim had been together for almost three years and had two children together before they split up around August 2022.

Following the break-up, Williams continued to make ‘unwarranted’ contact with her and on June 25, 2023, he sent her various text messages threatening to disclose personal sexual images.

This made the victim feel 'horrible and ashamed', Ms Parr added.

“She felt other people were looking at her. It upset her and she wanted to cry.”

Howard Jones, defending, said Williams was 'ashamed' of his behaviour and said 'it’s not something that’s going to happen again'.

In the end, District Judge John McGarva handed Williams a two-year restraining order and a community order requiring him to complete an alcohol treatment requirement, a Building Better Relationships programme and 35 days of rehabilitation activity.

When Williams returned to court this week, he was given the suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.