IF the Young Farmers had just one message to get across at this year’s Royal Cheshire County Show, it would be it's not just for farmers.

‘We’re here for everyone,’ says Rachael Billington, a recently graduated veterinary physiotherapist who’s also secretary and official photographer for Knutsford Young Farmers’ Club.

Knutsford is affiliated to Cheshire Young Farmers (CYF) which has more than 800 members across the county.

It pulls together 11 local clubs which support young people under 30 working in agriculture and the countryside by getting them off their farms for sporting events, competitions, and socials.

But it also welcomes non-farming members who are open new experiences for personal growth which include developing skills, working within their local community, travel abroad, and enjoying a dynamic social life.

Rachael, who’s 22 and not from a farming background, says the Cheshire Show is a chance for the clubs to ‘shine a spotlight’ on the clubs before a much wider audience than they can usually count on.

Knutsford KYC members on their float which took months to build and won them second placeKnutsford KYC members on their float which took months to build and won them second place (Image: Chris Billington)

She said: “Young Farmers isn’t just for farmers. Anyone under 30 can join. We’re trying hard to get this message out there at the moment.

“The Show is a great way for us to recruit as we have a tent with tea and coffee, and each club has a stand where it can show off its achievements in the preceding year.

"By the end of it, we’re all shattered, but it’s a good kind of shattered.

“I had about ten people come up to me asking if they could join Knutsford, so we’re working on getting them involved. I think some just saw how much fun we have and thought they wanted a piece of it for themselves. 

'Come and join the barmy army' sum's up this year's message nicely'Come and join the barmy army' sums up this year's message nicely (Image: Chris Billington)

"The float competition it a great example. It’s the first of the Young Farmers' year, which begins on June 1.

"This year, our theme was video games, and our float was Red Dead Redemption. The game is set in the wild west, so our float was cowboy themed. 

"We started building it at the very beginning of April, so a huge number of hours went into it.  

"We also have competitions throughout the year all directed towards the Moody Bowl Cup, the countywide trophy which is awarded annually.

"There’re loads of competitions including baking, cooking, crafts, art, woodwork, welding, and not to forget silage-making.

"We placed second in the float contest this year, which means lots of points. We’re absolutely ecstatic about it."

The Show is a special time for Knutsford Young Farmers, who always display a star on their float in memory of Nell Jones, a member who was killed in the Manchester Arena bombing on May 22, 2017, when she was just 14 years old.

Rachael added: “This is something which is very important to us.

“Nell would’ve loved to see how well we’re getting on at the moment.”