YOUTHS have been warned not to enter 'extremely dangerous' derelict buildings.

The Winsford Beat Team has issued a message to young people, telling them not to use abandoned buildings as hang-out spots.

Officers are currently working to identify those involved and to secure the buildings.

PCSO Stephen Bishop said: “We are aware that a number of disused/derelict buildings in the area of Winsford are being used as ‘meeting/hang-out’ spots.

“Enquiries are being made, but we would urge parents to ensure they are aware where their children are gathering, meeting their friends and what they may be doing.

“Access to these buildings is restricted for a reason, they are extremely dangerous and unsafe to enter.”

PCSO Bishop added: “We are wary of publicising exact locations, but are asking those local to the Winsford area to speak with their children about the dangers of entering these kind of buildings.

“Officers are liaising with the relevant parties in order to stop access being gained as soon as possible, and in the meantime, regular patrols of the locations will be conducted.”