YOUNG cricketers climbed a mountain to raise money for their club.

Davenham Cricket Club Under Nines players Alfie Atkins, Fin Barker and Harry Hughes scaled Snowdon last weekend.

The boys managed to raise nearly £1,000 towards their team’s new training facilities.

Lorna Atkins, mum of nine-year-old Alfie, said: “I’m incredibly proud, it’s just really nice that they’ve put so much effort into getting out in the fresh air and pushing themselves physically.

“They’ve raised quite a lot of money as well, so they’ve made a real contribution to their club. It’s great to see them supporting their team!

“I think they might have found a new passion in climbing, so will will have to get thinking about the next challenge.”

READ MORE: Davenham Cricket Club’s new practice facility gets green light

The boys were joined by their mums for the climb on June 15The boys were joined by their mums for the climb on June 15 (Image: Supplied)

In December, Davenham Cricket Club received permission from Cheshire West and Chester Council to install a three-lane net practice facility.

The club asked members to think of ways to help fund the project, which has since been completed.

As the boys, all pupils at Davenham Primary School, were learning about mountains in their geography lessons, they came up with the idea to climb Yr Wyddfa, also known as Snowdon.

The young cricketers managed to raise around £925 before embarking on the hike on Saturday (June 15).

Harry’s mum, Nikki Hughes, said: “We had the best day! 

“We experienced all the seasons, but that didn't dampen the boys' spirits.

“We decided to go up the Pyg Track and down the Miners' Track, and although this was a more challenging route compared to the well-known Llanberis path, it was a lot more interesting with waterfalls, lots of scrambling and we passed a few beautiful lakes where the boys could skim stones! 

“The boys showed great teamwork throughout, they were brilliant and us mums found it difficult to keep up with them at times!  An unforgettable experience for us all.”

The young cricketers faced every season on their way to the summitThe young cricketers faced every season on their way to the summit (Image: Supplied)

Hayley Barker, Fin’s mum, added: “What an amazing day with friends.

“I could not be any prouder of how well the boys did for their amazing club.”