A FOOTBALL coach inspired by a Euros superstar says 'every club should have a defibrillator'.

Ben Jones, from Cuddington, began raising money to install 20 machines at his local club after Danish player Christian Eriksen collapsed in 2021.

With the Manchester United midfielder making a goalscoring return to the tournament this past weekend, Ben is urging every football club to install their own defibrillators.

 “I would say that out of a really bad situation, the awareness his situation opened us all up to was huge,” Ben told the PA news agency.

“It wasn’t ideal what happened to him, but he survived thanks to these defibrillators.

“It’s bonkers three years ago he was technically dead. You fast forward to now and he’s still playing; it’s an incredible story really.

“This is why I can’t push enough how important defibrillators are. Not only did it save his life, it saved his career as well.”

Ben Jones and his son Oscar raised money for defibrillators after witnessing Christian Erkisen's collapse at the Euros in 2021Ben Jones and his son Oscar raised money for defibrillators after witnessing Christian Eriksen's collapse at the Euros in 2021 (Image: PA)

Ben and his son Oscar, 10, ran a mile every day for 26 days.

In total, they raised £8,950 for Cuddington and Sandiway Junior Football Club – where Ben coaches the under 10s team.

They were inspired to do so after seeing Eriksen collapse during a match against Finland during the European Football Championship in 2021.

The Dane’s life was saved by a defibrillator, which Ben feels has made people take the need for machines 'more seriously'.

He said: “We watched the match when (Eriksen) went down.

“Oscar, who was only seven at the time, asked, ‘what happens if that happens to one of our players in our team?'”

Ben added: “It’s huge, because not only are your football players at risk, it’s all to do with grandparents, parents. So each defibrillator can cover hundreds of people.

“One of them was very close to being used.

“For me, it’s brilliant because it’s obvious that it’s being taken a lot more seriously. You do see a lot more defibrillators at football clubs, mobile ones, ones on the side of buildings.”

Ben is urging other grassroots and local clubs to make it their priority to have a defibrillator.

“The biggest message is always that a defibrillator has got to be one of the biggest priorities on your kit list,” he said.

“I believe that every club should have (a defibrillator). They’re not that expensive in the grand scheme of things.

“You can quite easily raise the funds and you can save a life because of it. You hope that you never have to use them, but they’re there.”

Erkisen (centre) scored in Denmark's opening game on SundayEriksen (centre) scored in Denmark's opening game on Sunday (Image: PA)

Eriksen marked his return to the Euros on Sunday (June 16) with a goal against Slovenia.

He is expected to feature when Denmark take on England this Thursday (June 20).