IT'S unusual for a countryside planning application to get such public support – but an equestrian-based therapy centre for autistic children isn’t your everyday scheme.

In fact the people behind the one planned for Saltersford Farm at Twemlow Green believe what they’re proposing could be the first of its kind in England.

“We’ve never seen anything like it anywhere in the country and we’re very hopeful Cheshire East Council will give the necessary approvals,” said Chris Bates, who bought the 70-acre site two years ago.

The aim is to construct an equestrian respite/therapy centre for autistic children to enjoy holidays and short breaks.

The proposals include:

  • the provision of specialist on-site facilities catered towards people with autism;
  • equestrian facilities, including indoor arena and provision of specialist stud facilities to support the site’s breeding, foaling and youngstock activities;
  • Specialists holiday accommodation to support the specific needs of autistic people and provide short-break respite for families;
  • education centre and craft workshop spaces;
  • Staff facilities and on-site living accommodation.

Chris and Vicky Bates have enlisted the expertise of Alex Northover and her wife Leanne to help run the venture.

Both are qualified schoolteachers and Alex has an MA in autism spectrum conditions.

They work with young people who need nurture, structure, understanding and support.

This includes children with autism and children with emotionally-based school avoidance or anxiety-based school avoidance.

But how do horses help with this?

Alex said: “We run an equine assisted support using the ‘horse boy’ method.

“It’s a really great methodology that was co-designed by autistic people from its inception so, from the very beginning, it’s talking to the experts, the people who are autistic and know how best we can help them.”

Alex Northover and Vicky Bates with one of the horses at the farm Alex Northover and Vicky Bates with one of the horses at the farm (Image: Belinda Ryan, LDRS)

She said the aim is to develop a skill-set to enable an autistic person to cope in a world designed for, and by, people who don’t really have experience of autism.

“You get a unique set of things with working with animals, and horses particularly,” said Alex.

“There’s physiological things that happen when you’re sat mounted on a horse that are to do with engaging the parasympathetic nervous system.”

Alex said the autistic brain processes about 45 per cent more information than the neurotypical brain, so autistic people are constantly receiving a huge amount of data for their environment that is overwhelming and increases stress levels.

She explained in scientific terms how horse-riding and being with horses impacts hormone levels and affects a person’s wellbeing.

For non-scientists like me, an extremely simplified explanation is the relaxing motion of moving on a horse brings stress levels down.

Alex and Leanne also offer a wide range of services for children.

These include family play dates utilising the ‘horse boy’ method as well as small group provision for schools.

Among the activities are sensory work, assisted riding, horse care, games and arts and crafts.

Alex said: “Being with the horses creates a sense of calmness and wellbeing, so when the children go back to their regular environment they’ve had some respite, they’ve developed and learned some skills in this space that they can then regulate within that environment better and it allows them to cope with the stresses and demands of everyday life in a more adapted way.”

She says for autistic children, ‘it’s not reasonable to expect the child to adapt to the environment, we adapt the environment to the child’.

And it definitely works if you read the comments from the many grateful parents on the website.

Chris, Vicky, Alex and Leanne are hoping Cheshire East Council grants their planning permission.

They can then have a permanent base at Saltersford Farm to work with more autistic children and even train teachers and others to help improve their understanding of autistic children.

The holiday accommodation

The holiday accommodation, which makes up part of the planning application, is a very important aspect of the scheme at Saltersford Farm because families with autistic children often struggle finding  suitable provision.

The children can be anxious about being in new surroundings, so when they arrive at the proposed accommodation at Twemlow they will know what to expect.

Saltersford Farm, Twemlow Green Saltersford Farm, Twemlow Green (Image: Google)

Chris said: “Holiday anxiety for autistic people and their families extends right from the point at which they are considering where to go and how to get there, so a key part of the offering is about setting expectations and equipping parents and carers with the information around the specific unit they will be staying in, so they can talk to the autistic person around exactly what will be there.

“They can show them imagery of exactly what is going to be there.

“When they arrive they will be able to choose the extent to which they be able to interact with other people on site.

“But, critically, it’s an environment where the whole site is understanding of neurodiversity so it’s non-judgemental.

“It’s a safe environment for the kids and for their families.

“So if you’ve got a child who is struggling to cope with the environment, people here will all understand.

“It won’t matter if it’s staff or other families. We’ve all seen it, we’ve all been there before.”

Alex Northover and Vicky Bates Saltersford Farm at TwemlowAlex Northover and Vicky Bates at Saltersford Farm at Twemlow (Image: Belinda Ryan, LDRS)

Vicky said: “The units we’re planning on building, we’re planning to adapt specifically for autistic people.

“So all the bedrooms will have sensory rooms, they’ll have lighting they can totally adapt.

“We’re going to have flexible bed spaces because sometimes parents co-sleep with autistic kids, so we’re trying to make those bed spaces as flexible as possible.”

She added: “Equally, we have access to 70 acres here so if they need to get away from everybody they can.”

The proposal has received  massive backing from members of the public and many have written to the council in support of the scheme.

Chris said: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the level of support we’ve had from the local community, from parents and carers. We’ve received no negative feedback whatsoever.”

Now they just have to wait for the decision on the planning application from Cheshire East Council.

The application, number 24/1451C, can be viewed on the planning portal on council’s website.