A RESTRAINING order has been handed to a man who attacked and harassed a woman in Winsford.

Lewis Parkinson was sentenced at Warrington Magistrates Court this week after pleading guilty to a string of offences.

The 29-year-old had been charged with assault by beating, harassment, possession of an offensive weapon, and sending a threatening message.

On November 23 last year, Parkinson, of Carrbrook Crescent in Stalybridge, sent threatening text messages to a woman in Winsford.

That same day he assaulted the woman.

He was also found to be in possession of a metal bar in the Common Lane area of the town.

Then, on December 7, Parkinson harassed the woman by calling her eight times as well as sending her a text and two voice messages.

Parkinson had initially admitted to the harassment and threatening message charges at a hearing on December 9 last year, but denied the assault and weapon offences.

He changed his plea to guilty for these charges on April 9 before appearing before Warrington magistrates on Monday (June 10) for sentencing.

As part of a community order handed down by the bench, Parkinson was given a restraining order, banning him from contacting his victim by any means and from entering a specified address in Winsford for the next two years.

Alongside this, he must complete a 30-day programme, 25 days of rehabilitation activity and 180 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months.

Parkinson will also have to pay £500 in costs and a surcharge of £114.