PRIMARY school kids in Winsford are doing their bit to uphold the great British value of democracy.

Nevaeh Rustage, the town’s newly appointed junior mayor, was sworn in at a special ceremony at High Street Primary School, where she’s a pupil in year five, on Wednesday, June 5.

The appointment process involves writing to the outgoing ‘grown-up’ mayor with suggestions for how life in the town could be improved, which in Nevaeh’s case included bright posters to discourage littering.

The 10-year-old takes over from last year’s junior mayor, St Chad’s Primary pupil Lily Atkins, who handed over her robes and chain of office as part of the ceremony.

Nevaeh then signed an official document of acceptance to seal the deal, to great applause from her classmates and teachers.

Winsford town mayor, Cllr Wayne Fletcher, said: "It was my great pleasure and honour to announce Neveah as Winsford’s junior mayor for the coming year.

Nevaeh Rustage (left) receiving her chain of office from previous incumbent, Lily AtkinsNevaeh Rustage (left) receiving her chain of office from previous incumbent, Lily Atkins (Image: Stacey Jones)

“She’s already shown she has great poise and grace, and she’ll no doubt he a wonderful asset to the town. 

“Staff and pupils at High Street Primary School were very welcoming and gave Nevaeh the best applause I have ever witnessed. Obviously, she’s very highly thought of. It really was quite moving.”

Nevaeh has already attended her first big civic event, having read aloud a poem at Winsford’s war memorial rededication ceremony on Thursday, June 6, part of the town's D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations.

Cllr Welch added: “Nevaeh will be a delight to have around at civic events, and she’s sure to keep me in order throughout the year.

“She has a good head on her shoulders, and two parents who must be hugely proud of the girl they’ve raised.”