THE Conservatives' plan to crack down on fly-tippers, which could see penalty points added to their driving licences, has been welcomed by the party's candidate for Mid Cheshire.

Ahead of the July 4 election, the Tories announced new measures would be brought in to tackle anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping if successful.

Under the new plans, fly-tipping would become an offence carrying penalty points against a driving licence, with the worst offenders facing losing their licence altogether and possibly prison time.

Other crackdowns on anti-social behaviour will include the ability to kick out anti-social tenants from neighbourhoods.

Charles Fifield, the Conservative candidate for Mid Cheshire, said: "I welcome these plans from the prime minister.

"We know how anti-social behaviour is a scourge on communities here and as Conservatives we will do whatever we can to stop it.

"These measures are part of a clear vision to show those criminals their behaviour will not be tolerated.

“I know how much pride people have in mid Cheshire and these plans will ensure everyone living and working here will be able to feel ever prouder about our three great salt towns of Northwich, Winsford and Middlewich.

"The proposals regarding fly-tipping will also be especially welcome in many of our rural communities too."

As part of the plans, after three proven instances of anti-social behaviour, local authorities and housing associations will be expected to evict tenants.

It means behaviour which causes havoc among communities and is often linked to other crimes, like domestic violence and drug dealing, will be clamped down on.