DOZENS of people descended on a Cheshire village to witness a spectacular Spitfire flyover and commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The Goostrey community gathered at the Scout and Youth Centre, as well as in the surrounding farmland, to catch a glimpse of the 10-minute aerial display.

Former RAF pilot Neil Parkinson put the Second World War Mark 1X through its paces, demonstrating why the popular plan had been so successful during the war.

As well as the flyover, spectators at the event were able to enjoy a historical exhibition, and an array of military vehicles - three of which played a part on the beaches on June 6, 1944.

A medley of popular 1940s songs was also sung by Olivia Hamblyn, while members of Goostrey and Jodrell Side WIs dressed in wartime head gear, served homemade cakes, tea and coffee, with all proceeds going to the Royal British Legion.

Northwich Guardian: The Spitfire was flown by former RAF pilot Neil ParkinsonThe Spitfire was flown by former RAF pilot Neil Parkinson (Image: John Horsley)

Goostrey parish councillor Paddy Fagan, who along with a team of volunteers organised the occasion, said: “The event was a marvellous example of Goostrey coming together to mark a particularly important occasion in our national history.

"I am sure that anyone who saw the very impressive display by the Spitfire flown by Neil Parkinson, who flew up from Goodwood, will remember it for a very long time.

“I would like to thank a multitude of people from the many who prepared the field, erected and dismantled the stalls, marshals, car parkers and both WI groups who made and sold a wonderful array of cakes.

Northwich Guardian: An array of military vehicles, three of which took part in D-DayAn array of military vehicles, three of which took part in D-Day (Image: John Horsley)

"To pick out a few special mentions - Terence Rathbone, Sarah Bowers, Caroline Goodchild and David Giles, photographer John Horsley and our wonderful singer, Olivia Hamblyn."

The exhibition not only commemorated the anniversary of D-Day, but depicted life on the Home Front when many families were engaged in the war effort.

Goostrey Parish Archive also dipped into its records to produce stories from the village during the war and from RAF Cranage which transformed farmland in Byley almost overnight into a strategic airfield and production line for building Wellington bombers.

After the flight pilot Neil Parkinson said it had been a pleasure to entertain the crowd.

Northwich Guardian: Large crowds gathered to witness the Spitfire displayLarge crowds gathered to witness the Spitfire display (Image: John Horsley)

He added: "It’s a privilege to share these iconic aeroplanes with everyone.

"Manchester Air Traffic Control were amazing they even stopped southbound departures so I could go vertical."