SCHOOLKIDS are getting ready to rock out.

Ten St Wilfrid’s Primary School pupils have been given free lessons and instruments by Northwich Guitar Club.

For the first time ever, the youngsters will get to perform at the club’s end-of-year show at Antrobus Village Hall in July.

Founder of the club, Kris Reid, said: “We’re super excited for it!

“The show is going to be a bit special this year as for the first time, we’re going to have the kids we’re teaching come and play.”

Northwich Guitar Club raise money at their shows to help support local schoolsNorthwich Guitar Club raise money at their shows to help support local schools (Image: Supplied)

For nearly 10 years now, Northwich Guitar Club has used the money they raise at their shows to purchase guitars and offer lessons to local schools.

In the past, they have supported schools such as Hartford Manor, Winnington Park, and Hartford Primary.

This year it is the turn of St Wilfrid’s, on Greenbank Lane.

“We aim for students who might not normally have the opportunity to get these lessons,” Kris said.

“They get a free guitar and about 10 lessons. So, we’re essentially giving each kid around £300 which is a lot of money, especially in the current financial crisis.

“We’re very proud of it, it’s a group effort. The people in the club are just the most amazing bunch of people ever. They are genuinely the nicest people you’ll ever come across. “

Poster for the club's end-of-year showPoster for the club's end-of-year show (Image: Supplied)

For the first time, the children will get to play at the club’s free-to-enter annual festival, which this year takes place on July 14.

They are planning to play a rendition of Twist and Shout by The Beatles.

What started as a small event inside a hall has now grown into a full-scale fair with games, a bar and plenty of local vendors.

Kris, a teacher at St Nicholas Catholic High School, said: “We’re not professional musicians, just a bunch of happy people who are like-minded and want to learn together.

“That said, the quality is brilliant and that’s a testament to the amount of effort everyone puts in.

“The club has become very much a social mobility thing. A lot of people who come to the club are retired and love spending a few hours with the club.”
Northwich Guitar Club are always on the lookout for schools looking to improve their musical offerings.

Anyone interested in finding out more can contact