EIGHTY years ago today, Allied forces launched the largest military operation in history to begin the liberation of Nazi-occupied Europe.

On the morning of June 6, 1944 – D-Day – more than 130,000 soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy in northern France. 

The combined land, sea and air assault saw young men from the UK, the United States, Canada and Australia drafted in as part of the operation at the peak of the Second World War.

One such hero was Cheshire Police officer Ernest Mather, then aged 28, who had enlisted as an army commando two years prior.

And as the country comes together to mark the anniversary of D-Day and remember the sacrifice made by so many, we look back on Ernie's life. 

Joining the force in May 1938, Police Constable 92 Ernie was posted in Altrincham, which had yet to become a part of Greater Manchester.

He had been unable to enlist in the army after the outbreak of war in 1939 due to the role of the police officer being considered a reserved occupation.

But by 1942, these restrictions were relaxed and Ernie, alongside six other officers from Cheshire, enlisted.

Ernie MatherErnie Mather (Image: Cheshire Police)

Joining the Commandos, a unit keen on recruiting young police officers due to their high level of physical fitness and regimented attitude, Ernie was placed under the Black Watch Regiment and travelled to Anchnacarry, Scotland, to begin basic training.

After graduating from basic training in September 1942, Ernie earned the coveted green beret and joined the Number Four Commandos, who would have a key role to play when the invasion was launched less than two years later.

When the time arrived, poor weather conditions delayed the operation, which had been initially planned to take place on June 5.

Ernie and 'A' Troop, the designated heavy weapons troop, were already on the way to France.

It would be their job to bring weapons including machine guns, mortars and anti-tank artillery ashore, along with all their associated ammunition and spares.

Ernie would have also had to carry a rucksack containing his equipment, personal items and extra ammunition, all whilst facing enemy fire.

As A Troop approached the Normandy coast at dawn on June 6, the go-ahead for the invasion was given and the group transferred into the landing craft that would take them onto Sword beach.

Ernie enlisted with the army commandosErnie enlisted with the army commandos (Image: Cheshire Police)

After navigating the choppy sea conditions and avoiding heavy fire from enemy positions on the shoreline, it would be the task of Ernie and A Troop to take a German strongpoint known as the 'Casino' in the port of Ouistreham - just 2km away from where they landed - to provide support to the French Commandos unit positioned there.

Successfully manning the beach, the troops pushed toward Casino in Ouistreham, where a fierce battle ensued. Yet, despite a high number of fatalities being reported and it taking several hours for the Casino to be captured, Ernie made it through unscathed.

The commandos continued to move inland to provide support to the Parachute Troops holding the eastern flank of the main invasion force, setting up camp in nearby woodland.

On June 8, firmly camped and two days into invasion itself, German infantry was observed advancing towards their position and Ernie would soon be surrounded on three sides by the enemy.

Forced to make a hasty withdrawal along a ditch, Ernie only had time to take his weapons - leaving behind his rucksack containing his personal items.

Like many veterans, Ernie rarely spoke about his wartime experiences, but in later life recalled the story of this hasty forest evacuation from the surrounding enemy forces to his sons.

He told them that in his rucksack, abandoned in the woods, there had been a cigarette case which contained a treasured photograph of his father.

Ernie served with Cheshire Police for 30 yearsErnie served with Cheshire Police for 30 years (Image: Cheshire Police)

Presuming he would not see this again, Ernie was surprised by one of his fellow soldiers several days later who returned the case with the picture inside, after finding it amongst the possessions of a German soldier.

Ernie and the Number Four Commandos remained in Normandy for nearly two months, before withdrawing back to England in August for some well-earned leave.

The team would later be redeployed for the invasion of Walcheren, Netherlands, in early November 1944, where they continued to move through Europe, dismantling the Nazi's stranglehold on the continent.

By the war's end, Ernie had left the Commandos and joined the Army of Occupation, who were tasked with protecting reoccupied territory, before returning home to Cheshire holding the rank of sergeant and re-enlisting with the constabulary.

Following his return to the force in October 1945, he was promoted to police sergeant at Timperley in June 1953, before a move to Crewe Division as a divisional clerk in September 1956 - where he remained until July 1965.

Ernie was also involved in moulding the next generation of young people and police officers, being posted at the force's Training School as an instructor in cadet training, as well as being involved in training and as part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.

Thirty years after joining the Cheshire Police, in 1968, Ernie officially retired from policing duties and would spend his retirement years regularly visiting Scotland, particularly the area where he trained to earn his green beret.

Ernest Mather died in 1985, aged 68.