A MIDDLEWICH pensioner struggling with depression has hailed volunteering for the RSPCA as 'one of the best things he's done in his life'.

Brian Corrigan has volunteered with the animal welfare charity for the last 11 years after being referred by a therapist during a difficult period in his life.

And working at the charity's Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre in Nantwich has done wonders for the 79-year-old's mental health.

Now he has shared his story as the RSPCA marks Volunteers Week by highlighting the work of its 'amazing' volunteers.

Brian said: "I went through a torrid time with depression and having spoken to a therapist she suggested what would make life much better for me would be working in an animal environment.

"I’d been a sales manager working for a safety equipment firm, spending 30 years covering the country with my job.

"But once I was retired I just got so fed up, not knowing what to do with myself and depression crept up on me.

"I came here and had a chat with Lee Stewart, the wildlife centre manager, and I was volunteering the next day.

"It’s probably one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life as I managed to get over a difficult hurdle in my life by joining a wonderful team here."

Northwich Guardian: The RSPCA garden was designed by award-winning landscaper Martyn Wilson and made a big impression during the 2023 RHS Chelsea Flower Show where it won a silver-gilt medal from the judging panelThe RSPCA garden was designed by award-winning landscaper Martyn Wilson and made a big impression during the 2023 RHS Chelsea Flower Show where it won a silver-gilt medal from the judging panel (Image: RSPCA)

Over the years, Brian has pitched in with maintenance work on site, as well as helping with the release of wild animals which have completed their rehabilitation at the centre.

Most recently, he has helped to establish the RSPCA's RHS Garden, which relocated to Cheshire last autumn from the Chelsea Flower Show. 

Brian added: "It was a tremendous project, everything moved on a fleet of vehicles with the trees laid down in the backs of curtain-sided trailers.

"We kept all the plants and shrubs in a large tent and kept them watered for weeks during a spell of really hot weather before they were planted.

"We managed to save everything that came up from London and there were some really beautiful plants. We had a team of people coming in to hose the roots of the trees to keep everything watered.

Northwich Guardian: RSPCA volunteersRSPCA volunteers (Image: RSPCA)

"Now there are plans for extending the grounds at Stapeley Grange, including making it wheelchair-friendly so we can invite care home residents to come and have a look around the site.

"There’s a great team of volunteers who have made it all possible. Now it’s finished we are going to make sure it’s maintained to a high standard. You can’t let something like this go as it’s so wonderful.

"I’ve made some wonderful friends while I’ve been here and we get such a buzz from creating things such as the RHS Garden which has been so well received by the public.

"I would recommend volunteering to everybody."

Volunteers' Week (June 3 to June 9), is an annual celebration, organised by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, of the efforts made by millions of people who selflessly offer their time and skills in unpaid roles.

The RSPCA offers a range of volunteer roles, which include those of animal rescue volunteers (ARVs), who undertake invaluable work as drivers, in rescuing and transporting animals to animal centres where they can be cared for and rehabilitated.

Other volunteers include foster carers who offer space in their own homes and look after animals before permanent homes can be found for them.

The RSPCA also recruits microvolunteers who help with campaigning work by undertaking administration and social media work.

The charity’s Wildlife Friends - a scheme started last year as part of the Big Help Out to mark King Charles III’s Coronation celebrations - has been hugely popular for microvolunteers who have carried out tasks to protect and nurture wildlife in their own gardens and local communities.

Wildlife centre manager Lee added: "Our volunteers have always  been amazing and we really do appreciate their time and commitment.

"Brian’s enthusiasm for Stapeley is incredible, but he is one of many here that give up their time for our animals. We think the world of our team of volunteers, we simply cannot do what we do without them.

"There are so many opportunities here. Our volunteer drivers save our officers time when it comes to picking up wildlife casualties and transferring and releasing animals, which means our officers have more time to spend on tackling animal cruelty.

"Our gardening volunteers are so important to us, particularly helping us make the relocation of the RHS Garden to Cheshire such a success.

"The enthusiasm for the work, such as that shown by Brian, and the expertise our volunteers can lend is invaluable."

This year’s Volunteer’s Week culminates with the Big Help Out (June 7 to June 9) and during the week the RSPCA’s Wildlife Friends is offering hundreds of people the chance to take to the outdoors and make a difference by nurturing and protecting wildlife.

They can undertake a variety of tasks from planting wildlife-friendly plants to support ecosystems to putting up bird boxes and building bug hotels.

The RSPCA's head of volunteering, Brian Reeves, said: "Volunteers' Week is an opportunity to celebrate our fantastic volunteers here at the RSPCA. The time they give willingly, along with their commitment and dedication to animals and animal welfare is phenomenal.

"Every volunteer in every role is appreciated, and they should take pride in the fact that they are changing the lives of animals."

Chris Sherwood, the RSPCA chief executive, said: "Our volunteers are incredibly important and we were so proud that so many signed up last year.

"Anyone can volunteer for the RSPCA and our volunteers come from all walks of life. Volunteering is really good for you, it’s a great opportunity to make new friends, give back to the community and it is good for your health and wellbeing."

You can find out more about volunteering opportunities with the RSPCA here.