A FATHER has completed an emotional charity bike ride in memory of his late son.

Rudheath resident Ryan Green passed away in August 2023 following a battle with mental health struggles and substance use.

At the end of May, his family and friends took on the RideLondon-Essex 100-mile bike ride to raise money for Via, a charity close to their hearts.

Ryan’s father, Steve, said: “It was a hard ride and a very emotional day for me and my family - mentally challenging.

“But what a feeling when we finished. Everyone was crying.

“A great day and we raised a lot for Ryan’s charity.”

Northwich Guardian: Beau Lyons, Kevin Brown, Steve Green and Chris GreenBeau Lyons, Kevin Brown, Steve Green and Chris Green (Image: Supplied)

Steve was joined for the bike ride on May 26 by Ryan’s cousin Chris and his friend, Kevin.

The group set out to raise £2,000 for Via but thanks to the support of 155 supporters, they have smashed that target, raising £6,700 so far.

This money will go towards the mental health charity Via, who run the New Beginnings service in Northwich which provides support to people struggling with alcohol and drug use.

Steve added: “Ryan was and still is a much-loved son, brother and family member, he is missed every minute of every day. The loss is profound.

“Via continue with dedication and professionalism to support people like Ryan who struggle daily in the face of social stigma with their illnesses. 

“Since Ryan's death, Via has continued to support me and Ryan's mum throughout our grief and for this we are eternally grateful.”

Northwich Guardian: Steve completed the ride on Sunday, May 26Steve completed the ride on Sunday, May 26 (Image: Supplied)

To find out more or donate, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/London100ForRyan.