RACHEL Reeves promised a stable economy, tighter borders, more NHS appointments and 6,500 extra teachers during a visit to Northwich.

The Shadow Chancellor visited Kingsmead Primary School today to pledge her support for Labour’s candidate for Mid Cheshire, Andrew Cooper.

Speaking to those in attendance, she said: “It is time for change but we will only get that change if we elect a Labour MP here in Mid Cheshire and in those battleground seats that will determine the result of this election.

“Labour is ready. Ready to serve. Ready to lead. Ready to rebuild Britain.

“It's time for a government on the side of ordinary working people. That government is a Labour government and with your help, I know that government is coming soon.”

She added: “This is a brand new constituency and we’ve chosen in Andrew Cooper a candidate who has got deep roots in the local community.

“We’re fighting for every vote and under Keir’s leadership of the Labour Party there are now no no-go areas for Labour.”

Hoping to be the next Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ms Reeves made it clear that stabilising the economy is the prime focus of the Labour Party.

She added: “The people in Mid Cheshire and right across the country know it is time for change in Britain. Time to turn the page after 14 years of chaos and decline and nowhere is that clearer than on the economy.

Northwich Guardian: Rachel Reeves with Labour candidate for Mid Cheshire, Andrew CooperRachel Reeves with Labour candidate for Mid Cheshire, Andrew Cooper (Image: Newsquest)

“Five prime ministers, seven chancellors, 12 different plans for growth each delivering less than the last and we need change.

“The first step in that change is to bring stability back to our economy because the truth is stability is change after everything the Conservatives have done.

“The first austerity which choked off growth and destroyed our public services, then Brexit without a plan and then the mini-budget which sent mortgage rates and interest rates spiralling for families and businesses here in Mid Cheshire.

“We will bring back stability so that we can grow our economy.”

Stood outside Kingsmead, a school built while Labour were last in power, Ms Reeves promised an additional 6,500 teachers - funded by introducing business rates and VAT on private school fees.

She said: “We will crack down on anti-social behaviour, which is such a blight on so many communities, including here in Mid Cheshire.

“We will recruit 6,500 additional teachers because we know the transformative difference and the children here at Kingsmead Primary School know the transformative difference that investment in schools, and investment in education will have. That is the difference a Labour government will make.”

During her visit, Ms Reeves also mentioned reforms to the planning system to 'get Britain Building again' as well the introduction of GB Energy – a wholly publicly owned energy company.

Alongside this, a Labour government would look to get control of the borders by introducing a new 'border security command' with Ms Reeves promising 'serious policies not gimmicks'.

She also spoke of plans to cut NHS waiting lists by introducing an additional 40,000 appointments made every single week.

These are to be paid for by ensuring that non-doms pay their fair share of taxes and by cracking down on tax avoidance, bringing in around £5 billion a year.

Ms Reeves added: “Every policy we’ve put forward will be fully funded and fully costed.

“Our sums will always add up.

“I will never play fast and loose with the public finances because when you do that you put family finances at risk.”