I relish the General Election as an opportunity for the country to choose change, hope and renewal after years of chaos and division.

On a personal note, it marks the end of an era.

Boundary changes mean Northwich now comes under the new Mid Cheshire constituency while I've been selected as Labour candidate for the neighbouring Runcorn and Helsby seat.

For me, the future is exciting – given the possibility of a Labour government ­– but tinged with sadness at saying goodbye to a community close to my heart.

It’s been an honour to represent the area over the past seven years. I’ve always tried to put constituents first, irrespective of political affiliation, and hope I’ve been a strong voice, particularly for those in need.

Reflecting on my time, Northwich has had more than its fair share of challenges despite the overall rosy outlook.

We’ve had to bounce back from serious floods. Infrastructure investment plus closer partnership working among statutory agencies and at community level mean the town is now better prepared.

Other lows were the 2020 fire that destroyed the outdoor market and the 2021 train station collapse. The rebuilt station should reopen soon. And there’s a commitment to invest in a new market as part of a proposed residential scheme at Weaver Square.

Barons Quay, brainchild of the former Tory council administration, remains an ongoing challenge.

But the concept has evolved, with more emphasis on destination retail and hospitality. Mind you, on occasions prospective tenants have been met with ‘computer says no’. I recall lobbying on behalf of Puddle Ducks swim school, for example. Today it's a fabulous success story.

There are many other positives. Team Labour helped secure investment for our local hospital, the library is undergoing a refurbishment and The Friends of The Plaza have plans to transform it into a thriving performing arts venue.

My overriding takeaway from Northwich is its amazing community spirit. I will always think of efforts to protect the vulnerable during Covid. And the kindness shown towards Ukrainian refugees, including those who sought sanctuary here.

As I bid farewell, I commend Cllr Andrew Cooper as Labour candidate for the new Mid Cheshire seat.

Andrew is embedded in the community and someone with whom I have worked closely.

If elected, Andrew will help to ensure Northwich remains a great place, with an even brighter future.