A CHESHIRE doctor has shared her top tips for dealing with hay fever.

Summer is almost here and with it many are busy dreaming of picnics in the sun and garden barbecues with friends and family.

However, those with hay fever are probably less enthusiastic, with high pollen counts triggering stuffy noses, itchy eyes, sinus troubles and fatigue.

Thankfully, Dr Fari Ahmad, GP at Wilmslow Health Centre, is on hand to offer some advice.

Dr Ahmad said: "Don’t let hay fever keep you from enjoying the glorious weather.

"I’m sharing some simple, steps everyone can take to manage your symptoms and join in the fun."

She added: "If all these tips still leave you feeling miserable, it might be time to have a chat with your family doctor.

"There are other treatments out there, but they come with their pros and cons that need some careful thought.

"So, don't let hay fever hold you back. With a little preparation and the right tools, you can make the most out of every sunny day. Let’s try not just endure the warmer months - let’s enjoy them!"

Dr Fari Ahmad's top tips for handling hay fever

  • Keep an Eye on the Pollen Forecast - Pop over to sites like the Met Office to check the daily pollen scoop. On days when the counts are high, it might be best to stay indoors, especially during early mornings and late afternoons when pollen is most in the air. Schedule outdoor activities for lower pollen count times.

  • Create a Pollen-Free Zone - Keeping your windows and doors shut can keep those sneaky pollen grains out. Make a habit of vacuuming often and washing your bedding regularly to ditch any pollen that hitchhikes home. Air purifiers with HEPA filters can also clear pollen out of the air.  And don’t forget to shower and change your clothes after you’ve been outdoors to wash away any clingy pollen particles. Wraparound sunglasses and a dab of Vaseline around your nostrils can also act as a barrier against pollen.

  • Stay Hydrated - Drink up! Keeping your body hydrated helps keep your mucus fluid and manageable. Plus, munching on foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish and flaxseeds, might help ease inflammation linked to allergic reactions.

  • Chat With Your Pharmacist - There are plenty of effective over-the-counter remedies to ease your symptoms. Antihistamines, eye drops, and nasal sprays can be real game changers. Sometimes, using a combo of these can do the trick.