A NORTHWICH man found on his driveway with a 12-inch carving knife has avoided jail.

Following a domestic incident, police were called Stuart Westwood's address in Marshall Lane, Greenbank, on January 2 earlier this year.

On arrival, officers found the 52-year-old sat in his car on the drive outside his home.

After admitting he had a blade with him in the large bag on passenger seat, he was arrested at the scene.

Westwood appeared at Chester Magistrates Court on January 23 where he pleaded guilty to possession of a knife in a public place.

Returning to court for sentencing on February 26, Westwood was handed a four-month jail term which magistrates suspended for a year.

A custodial sentence was considered due to the fact he had been found with a 'large knife capable of serious harm'.

The court heard the bench took his guilty plea into account and suspended the sentence due to there being a 'likely prospect of rehabilitation' if Westwood completes rehabilitation activities with the Probation Service.

Westwood must complete up to 15 days of rehabilitation activity. An order was also made to deprive him of the knife.

He must also pay £120 in court costs as well as a £154 surcharge.