A WOMAN has been hit with a three-year driving ban after being caught behind the wheel while uninsured and over the drug limit.

Melissa McDonagh, of Bowland Rise, Winsford, was driving a Vauxhall Astra along the A51 in Vicars Cross, Chester, on July 15 when she was caught last year.

A subsequent blood test revealed the 29-year-old had 61µg/L of Benzoylecgonine, a cocaine breakdown product, in her system.

The legal limit is 50µg/L.

McDonagh was also found to be driving without third party insurance.

She was arrested and charged with the two driving offences, before appearing at Chester Magistrates Court on February 21.

In the dock, McDonagh pleaded guilty to drug-driving and driving without insurance.

Taking her pleas into account, magistrates disqualified her from driving for 36 months and fined her £120. She received no separate penalty for the insurance offence.

McDonagh was also ordered to pay costs of £120 and a surcharge of £48.